Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Here are 12 (because I couldn't think of 22) things I will likely be posting (read: complaining) about on this blog, in no particular order:

  1. My husband. Who is smart and funny and charming but for some reason is unable to empty the dishwasher the correct way.
  2. My dog, Bosco.
  3. The number on the scale, which is at least 40 too high.
  4. Our debt and overall financial situation.
  5. My former boss who is CUCKOO FOR COCOA PUFFS CRAZY.
  6. My in-laws. Not because they are terribly awful, but just because they're different than what I'm used to, and my H and SIL read my "other" blog.
  7. The jackholes who refuse to acknowledge the "no soliciting" sign on my porch.
  8. Myself.
  9. Comcast.
  10. Money.
  11. Our house. Or at least the people who renovated it to flip.
  12. Carpal tunnel syndrome.

1 comment:

Constance the 14,000th said...

haha, my husband is unable to load the dishwasher the right way!